The P&C has worked hard to maintain an onsite canteen service. Unfortunately, at this time, this is no longer a sustainable or cost-effective service for the P&C to continue to run.
Outsourcing school lunches not only provides you with the certainty of
service, but it also simplifies our responsibilities, enabling us to
explore the possibility of growing the frequency we can open.

In Term 4 we will trial using Locavora for our Wednesday and Friday
lunch orders. This trial will result in the temporary removal of the
morning tea menu.
This decision has not been made lightly and has been heavily
influenced by a recent decision handed down by the City of Stirling.
As of December 2023, the City of Stirling has mandated that ALL
canteen volunteers involved in preparing food are required to
complete Food Safety training.
We know our NBPS children get a real sense of joy and responsibility
purchasing their lunchtime treats. With that in mind, we will also
trial opening our canteen at lunchtime only to serve drinks, ice
cream, and icy poles.
As this is a trial, we will be actively seeking constructive feedback
throughout the term and will look to pivot the trial where required.
Click here for information on how to order.