We care…that’s our motto. It’s on our letterhead, it’s on our signage but more importantly it’s in our hearts. We care about the people who learn, work and visit our school. We care about our environment and we care about the image we create for ourselves in the public arena.
North Beach has a long history of providing a learning environment that promotes exceptional pastoral care. The school also has an excellent reputation for being a very people friendly school. The school is nestled between large playing fields to the south and Star Swamp Reserve to the north. The school also has its own area of bushland adjoining Star Swamp which is used in its teaching programs.
…But we’re also for learning, providing the best and most contemporary curriculum delivered by the best available teachers and support staff we can attract. As your principal, I am very privileged to work with good people and work in a space that exudes peaceful and happy thoughts.
The one key factor around which we build our teaching workforce and build our lovely grounds are the kids-the students without whom, our lives would be pretty miserable. They provide the motivation to work hard and to achieve good outcomes. They provide the stimulation to seek the next thing and they provide the creativity to challenge our thinking. While no school is perfect, by any measure North Beach is a good public school.
Good public schools are successful when the students are successful, when the teachers are excellent and when the community is routinely engaged in the work of the school. It’s quite a simple game plan really but can be complex to achieve but if we all aim to better today than we did yesterday then what is out limit?
Of our two peak parent bodies, the School Board is a visible demonstration of working for the students and the wider community. Members are invested without being obsessive. Working with such a group of dedicated parents and community members is very purposeful. The School’s active Parents and Citizens Association takes its role very seriously as clearly evident by the well planned and executed ground upgrade. When a school’s peak parent bodies are confident of their roles and are prepared to seek solutions then kids benefit.
There are times when I’m part of school events when I get goose bumps just witnessing the confidence and the creativity of our students. From Public Speaking to Idol from Cross Country to Interschool Sport, from Music Nights to Art Exhibitions, from Assemblies to French Classes, from Science Week to Graduation-never is a school more in the spot light than on these occasions. I am absolutely privileged to serve this community as principal and to contribute and care for successful North Beach kids.
Welcome to North Beach!